
A Healing Hospital

For the past 20 years I have been working on a new model for hospitals called the Healing Hospital™ One reason I came to Sonoma was because I saw a community open to healing in all its forms and ready to embrace this exciting model. Over the past six years, we have...

The New SVH Strategic Plan

We just completed the annual update to SVH’s three-year rolling strategic plan. It’s an important document that reinforces our mission and values, and identifies near-term objectives. This plan was developed by a committee of board members, physicians and hospital...

Celebrating 70 Years of Community Spirit

I know I say it often, but it bears repeating that Sonoma Valley Hospital is a community hospital in the truest sense of the term. Community spirit has been part of our DNA for 70 years. It was evident in the creation of the Sonoma Valley Health Care District in 1946...