
Some Encouraging Early Signs

Friday, April 17, 2020.     Weekly Community Update. There are early signs that efforts to flatten the curve in Sonoma Valley by taking such precautions as working from home, physical distancing and wearing facial coverings in public, are having a positive effect....

The Importance of Advance Care Planning

Have you stated your wishes about the care you want to receive in advance of experiencing a health crisis? Have you identified someone to express your wishes in the event you cannot?The current COVID-19 health crisis reminds us of the need for Advanced Care Planning...

Hospital Provides COVID-19 Update

The board received an update at the April meeting from Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, and CEO Kelly Mather on COVID-19 preparedness which illustrated the impressive efforts that hospital leadership, physicians...

The Five Keys to Wellness

These days, we’re all understandably stressed over unforeseen circumstances we have no control over. Here at the hospital, we’ve been working long hours to prepare for a potential surge of patients should COVID-19 impact our community in a significant way. I’m happy...

It’s what we do

My deepest thanks to all of the hospital’s many supporters during this growing emergency which has left our community facing such uncertainty. We are on Day 15 of the Hospital Incident Command Center being in full operation, and our emergency management team has been...

Hospital Prepared For Coronavirus

At the March board meeting, Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, updated the board on the extensive preparations the hospital has undertaken for the growing Novel Coronavirus outbreak. She noted that the hospital is as prepared as it can be for what is a rapidly...

SVH Is Ready For COVID-19

A priority for any community hospital is to be ready to immediately help its community when an emergency arises. We have worked closely with our nonprofit and public partners in Sonoma Valley in recent years to respond to the wildfire and power outage crises, and we...