Foundation Board & Team
The volunteers on the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council are the heartbeat of the Foundation. We are grateful for their time, expertise, and financial support.
Board of Directors

Lindsay Bennett

Yves de Balmann

Richard Conley

Art Grandy

Jane Hirsch

Prema Kerollis

Steve MacRostie

Steve Sangiacomo

Elizabeth Sealey

Brian Sebastian, MD

Andrew Fenton, MD

John Gibbons
Ex-officio Board Members

Judith Bjorndal, MD
Advisory Council
Simon Blattner
Suzanne Brangham
Gerry Brinton
Cherie Hughes
Thomas Landy
Martha Murphy
Gary Nelson
Steve Page
Buddy Pepp
Foundation Team

Leslie Petersen
Executive Director
Pamela Lutolf-Simonson
Executive Assistant